
Angel Llamazares has collaborated in several national and European projects, as well as industrial projects in the field of robotics and intelligent transportation systems:

  • INARTRANS 4.0 - Transición digital hacia una industria avanzada en soluciones de inteligencia artificial para el sector de las infraestructuras de transporte.

  • AVAD - Vehículo eléctrico automatizado para conductores mayores

  • AIMESEV - Artificial Intelligence based Management Energy System for Electric Vehicles 

  • AIVATAR - Implementación y validación de una arquitectura modular basada en inteligencia artificial para conducción autónoma

  • TECH4AGECAR  - Implementing robust technologies for an electric automated car concept for aging drivers

  • AutoDrive - fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational integrated electronic components, Electrical/Electronic (E/E) architectures as well as (deeply) embedded software systems for highly and fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, more efficient, affordable, and end-user acceptable.

  • ABS4SOW Localization and behaviour recognition of people in shopping malls.

  • ROBO SHOP - ROBOtic guide for SHOP: navigation system development. 2013-2014. Funded by Universidad de Alcalá.

  • ABSYNTHE - Abstracción, Síntesis e Integración de Información para equipos Humano-Robot. 2012-2014. Funded by the Research, Development and Innovation Minister (MICINN).

  • ROBOCITY2030-III - 2013-2015 - Service robotics for improving Citizens quality of life (3rd part). 2015-2018. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid. Spain.
  • ROBOCITY2030-II - 2010-2013 - Service robotics for improving Citizens quality of life (2nd part). 2010-2013. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid. Spain.
  • ROBOCITY2030 - 2006-2009 - Service robotics for improving Citizens quality of life. 2006-2009. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid. Spain.

  • SARBOT-TEAM - SARBOT (Search And Rescue roBOT) is a multidisciplinary Spanish team composed of three Universities (UPM, UAH and UC3M) and one Public Research Centre (CAR-CSIC) to participate in the first DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). This Spanish consortium has been one of the 23 qualified for participation in the penultimate stage of the challenge organized by the Department of Defense, DARPA Virtual Robotics Challenge (VRC), for design rescue robots. The goal of the VRC is to generate groundbreaking research and development so that future robotics can perform the most hazardous activities in future disaster response operations, in tandem with their human counterparts, in order to reduce casualties, avoid further destruction, and save lives.

  • PROPINA - Plataforma RObótica Para INvestigAción. 2012-2013. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid.

  • VISETRAF - Sistema VIsual de localización y reconocimiento de SEñales de Tráfico en colaboración con equipos de RAdio Frecuencia. 2011. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid and UAH.

  • SISLOPEWI - WiFi People localization system. 2009. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid and UAH.

  • GUIADE - Automatic guidance for public transport vehicles through multimodal perception in order to improve efficiency. 2008-2011.

  • Interactive audiovisual projection system using an ad-hoc edition viewer from the processing of multichannel digital audio and video. Funded by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. 2008.

Nuestra conferencia en Semana de la Robótica 2016. Roboshop: capacidades y limitaciones de un robot asistente de tienda

Aquí os dejo de nuestra conferencia dentro de la Semana de la Robótica 2016: Roboshop, capacidades y limitaciones de un robot de asistente de tienda, en la que he participado.

En ella, se comentan los tipos de Robot de Servicios y se presenta nuestro Robot, Roboshop.

RobeSafe en el Robocity16

RobeSafe, como socio del consorcio Robocity2030, asistió a la conferencia "Robocity16 Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics" que tuvo lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ing. Industriales de la UPM durante el 26 y 27 de Mayo del 2016.  Noticias:

Articulo sobre la Global Robot Expo: "Hola, todos somos robots"

Artículo de El Pais sobre la Global Robot Expo 2016, en el que aparece un extracto de la entrevista que me hicieron:

RoboShop in Juguetronica and The Robot Museum

The RoboShop (ROBOtic guide for SHOP) developer team visit the Juguetronica Shop and The Robot Museum to test our robotic platform in a real scenario.

Humanoids 2014: Our Robocity stand

Enrique Mendoza and me at Humanoids 2014
Enrique Mendoza and me at Humanoids 2014



Robocity13: Robesafe Group in the TV

Más vídeos en Antena3

Robesafe Staff in the Robocity13
Robesafe Staff in the Robocity13

A TV Coverage  about Robocity13 event in the UC3M.

Our group and me (Blue polo t-shirt's guys) appear several times.

SARBOT Team busca robot para participar en la final del DARPA Robotics Challenge

El equipo SARBOT, del que forman parte los profesores del Departamento de Electrónica de la UAH, Manuel Ocaña y Luis M. Bergasa, no se rinde. Después de haber sido seleccionados como único equipo español y uno de los tres europeos para participar en el DARPA Robotics Challenge, (DRC), dependiente del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos, volverán a intentarlo nuevamente en diciembre de 2014. "El Desafío de DRC trata de desarrollar robots humanoides que puedan operar en entornos urbanos", explica Manuel Ocaña. 

Link al articulo completo.

Sarbot Team: DARPA VRC Challenge Results

Today, DARPA is announcing the results of the Virtual Robotics Challenge (VRC) portion of the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC).

The SARBOT team ranked 17th of 26 competitors.

More info:

DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC)